Convert Crypto into Real-World Impact

couple on ipad donating cryptocurrency

You can support the causes you are passionate about with your cryptocurrency assets without first liquidating them. Just as with other non-cash assets, donating cryptocurrency before liquidating it may mean a charitable tax deduction for you and reduced capital gains taxes for the nonprofit who receives the donation.

A donor advised fund with ΢ÃÜȦ¾ÞÈéŮģÁÕîõ is one tool that can make your cryptocurrency donation much easier for you and for the nonprofit you plan to support. Donate digital currency to ΢ÃÜȦ¾ÞÈéŮģÁÕîõ and it will be converted to charitable dollars in a donor advised fund. From there, you can recommend grants to charities that align with your giving goals.

Crypto and Donor Advised Funds:
How it Works

an icon of a form with a dollar sign and percentage sign symbolizing simplifying tax receipt

2. Fill out the form and generate a unique sending address.

an icon of a coin being put into a cup by a hand symbolizing a charitable contribution

3. Copy the public address into your digital exchange wallet to complete the donation.

΢ÃÜȦ¾ÞÈéŮģÁÕîõ uses a third-party broker to help convert your cryptocurrency into charitable dollars in a fund. There is a 2% processing fee from this provider, but ΢ÃÜȦ¾ÞÈéŮģÁÕîõ does not charge an additional fee. Visit our fees and minimums page for more information.

We currently accept 96 different digital currencies. to view accepted cryptocurrencies.

Click the button below to begin your cryptocurrency donation. The process will generate an address to use in your digital currency wallet. Please complete the full form to ensure the contribution is finalized and connected to the intended fund. After using the address to send funds from your digital currency wallet, we use the rest of the information to complete a report that will match your donation to the correct donor advised fund.



Donate Cryptocurrency

an icon of a hand holding a dollar sign with arrows encircling symbolizing donors

Accepted Cryptocurrencies

The following currencies can be donated as a digital currency contribution to your fund. After you donate cryptocurrency, the value will be converted into charitable dollars available for grant recommendations out of a donor advised fund.

What is a Donor Advised Fund?

At ΢ÃÜȦ¾ÞÈéŮģÁÕîõ, our main priority is to maximize the dollars sent out to God’s Kingdom. Donor advised funds are the tools we use. Learn more about what a donor advised fund is and how it works.